Learn DC/OS with minidcos (4) – Use Marathon LB

In Part II, we deployed a service on the private node and in this part, let me talk about how to use marathon-lb to expose it onto the public node. For more details of Marathon and Marathon-LB, please check here.

Install Marathon-LB

With CLI, it’s easy to install marathon-lb, which is a package of DC/OS.

As you can see, the marathon-lb 1.15.0 is installed successfully. By default, it requires 2 CPU with 1GB memory. You can also adjust it from DC/OS GUI. In my testing, I need to remove “net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans=60000” from Marathon-LB’s “Sysctl Params“. Otherwise, the service will be brought up.

You will find the marathon-lb service is up and it’s deployed on the public node.

Since marathon-lb uses HAProxy as its backend, we can access the HAProxy statistic panel through

Expose the Nginx Service with Marathon-LB

To expose the nginx service, we can simply add following label “HAPROXY_GROUP: external” tn the configuration.

After relaunching the nginx service, you can access the nginx from public node ( on service port 10000, which the real service runs on the private node (



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