让普通Java Library包含C/C++动态库

如何让Java Library包含C/C++的动态库而且实现正确加载呢?

在OSGi环境下,我们可以在MANIFEST.MF定义不同平台(操作系统,CPU架构)要加裁的动态库,然后OSGi Runtime会正确找到它们,我们主要在start()方法里用System.loadLibrary()就可以正确的加载。

可对于POJO Java Library则没有这些便利。如何做呢?最近看到用到一个库叫sqlite-jdbc,它有比较完整的实现方法。现在做个小归纳。





在Java里使用C/C++动态库,都是为了配合native API,使native能正常使用,首先要使这些库能被正确的加载。但在jar里的动态库是不能被System.loadLibrary()正确加载的。所以基本思路就是把它们Extract到真正的文件系统中


  1. 用户可以通过环境变量自己提供动态库。第一步检查有没有设置Jar所需的so环境变量,如果用就不加载Jar包内的。
  2. 如果没有,根据操作系统(System.getProperty(“os.name”))和CPU架构(System.getProperty(“os.arch”)),找到包里对应的库,准备把库拷贝到temporary folder(System.getProperty(“java.io.tmpdir”))中。
  3. 拷贝之前,检查目标目录中是否已有动态库,用MD5码进行比对。
  4. 如果MD5不相同或库不存在,使用getResourceAsStream的方法把库写到目标目录中。
  5. 对非Window系统,赋予”755″权限。
  6. 最后使用System.load()把该动态库加载到JVM Runtime中。



这是一个比较完备的方法。有了这套方法,我们还可以结合AntMaven动态的编译C/C++的源码,再打包。MS可以写个库来做实现整个流程。 😀


About “Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives” kind projects in maven+tycho build

In Eclipse RCP project, you may need to create such kind of “Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives” projects, because you need to reuse non-OSGi jar, such as Google Guava, SLF4j and etc.

In our team, before we have to manually download the needed jar libs from website, then change build.properties, MANIFEST.MF. And of couse, these libraries should be uploaded to version control system (such as P4, Git), as others (as well as Jenkins) can sync to latest and build.

This approach has some defects:

  • Too much manual work and hard to maintain the dependencis.
  • 3rd party libs become more and more.

Here is a solution for that – using maven dependency:copy-dependencies to copy all needed libs.

tycho + maven

Tycho is a great maven plugin, which can help to do headless build for a Eclipse RCP project. It will analyze the dependencies in MANIFEST.MF and also in pom.xml. We can use the feature to define the 3rd party dependencies in pom.xml.

You can find more usefule information about tycho on Eclipse.com.

Define the needed libraries in pom.xml

Just as what a common maven project does, you can define the libraries you need in <dependencies> of pom.xml, such as,

Use maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies to copy

Use the goal of maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies to copy those jars to specific folder, such as,

The goal is defined at “initialize” phase.


With this pom.xml, you can do a manually build and retrieve the jars from maven repository. Then you need to put them into the bundle’s CLASSPATH and exported packages in MANIFEST.MF.


Using this way, you don’t need to worry about third party libraries in OSGi environment any more. All dependencies are defined in pom.xml. It’s very clean and clear. Of course, in real world, you need do more configuration in pom.xml (such as clean work) and an IDE environment integration.





于是便和各桌面流行浏览器的对比实验,Embedded Browser选用的是JavaFX的WebBrowser,也是个基于Webkit的Browser.


[easy_table caption=”Result Comparison”]Test Page,Firefox 25, Safari 17, Chrome 30, JavaFX, Safari (iOS 7.0.3)

